Ghana 2019 - Service Days
Our first day of teaching at the Offin Children’s Center was such a blast. After more than a year of planning ISLP is finally in the heart of a new program, this one to the West African nation of Ghana. It feels like the culmination of a lot of good things, and we’re grateful.
We have been so fortunate to partner here with the OCC as our service location. Their students couldn’t be any brighter or more dear!
Day 2 at Offin Children’s Center was such a good one. Our program looks for a lot of intangible qualities in a service site, and OCC happens to have them in spades: welcoming administration, talented teachers, eager students, and opportunities for our students to think deeply about doing good in the world how they can best plug-in to a globalized world that has so much need, both at home and abroad. We continue to be humbled by the hospitality and kindness of our Ghanaian partners and hosts.
Our time at the Offin Children’s Center has come to an end, but not before we received a tour of their facilities from the founder, Mary Osei Tutu, had a dance party in multiple (each marginally sweatier) stages, and completed another solid day of teaching in the classroom. These pictures don’t begin to tell the story of how fun and meaningful and humbling were our days in Ofinso, but they’re a start. We’re all lucky to be here, and are already looking forward to being back again next year. Hope you join us!
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