Well today was the first overall day of service work we did as a group. The first part of our day was split between going to Independence School, and Red Bank Village. The Communication and Justice Admin. groups for the first part of the day went to Independence where we taught them about bullying (Justice Admin. Program) and the Book of Me (Comm. Program) - The Book of Me is all about having the kids realize where they are from, where they want to be, and how they can achieve those goals and ideas they have to go with. Below are pictures of us in the classroom in the morning teaching the students the two programs from Justice Administration and Communications Programs.

After lunch, the ISLP Group switched up the roles, and some Dental and Nursing Program Students went to the schools, and some of the Communication and Justice Administration Program went to the Dental and Nursing site (Red Bank Village). I was in the Dental area and was able to watch our amazing U of L Dentistry students and teachers help the villagers with any mouth/tooth pain. Also the Nursing students were able to go around the village and check the water. We are proud to say that we have been the first group that has checked the water in the village since 1979 - when the first well was put in the Village. While the Dentistry students were helping the people out, some of the ISLP Students were getting to know the Red Bank population and playing soccer and playing with the kids before or after they visited with our Dental Clinic. Below is the setup of our Dental Clinic and tomorrow we will post more pictures of the actual work being done in the Clinic.

Another beautiful day in Belize, and tomorrow will only be better!! We look forward to tomorrow and are all excited to go back out into the communities.
Tony Ausick
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